DCEPS Digest

Transforming Research, Education, and Inclusion

Fall 2023

Dear friends & colleagues,

As we approach the end of another dynamic semester, 我非常高兴地邀请您浏览最新一期的DCEPS通讯. 随着我们继续追求卓越的学术成就和对多样性的承诺, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA), 这篇时事通讯是我们过去几个月取得的显著进步的一个窗口. Below, you will find valuable insights, exciting research updates, 以及我们为弥合知识和行动之间的差距而共同努力的故事. 与我们一起庆祝我们的成就,并发现高等教育和达顿学院未来的无限机会. Thank you for being a part of our vibrant community!

-Dr. Tammi Dice, Dean

Darden College of Education & Professional Studies

Class of 2023: Evan Dorman Focuses on Accessibility in Libraries

当埃文·多尔曼在2022年秋天报名参加bet8体育娱乐入口的图书馆和信息研究硕士课程时, 他不知道自己会对残疾人的无障碍环境产生热情——如此热情以至于他与人合写了两篇关于这个主题的论文,并在密尔沃基的会议上展示了研究结果, Wisconsin, and London last October.

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DCEPS Research Support Center Launches to Empower Research Excellence

ODU和DCEPS的领导层知道,研究是产生影响的关键因素. DCEPS研究支持中心已经成立,致力于帮助这些成员.

Visit the Center

CIEES Announces New Executive Director

Dr. Jonna Bobzien has accepted the role of executive director of CIEES. 她曾在ODU担任沟通障碍和特殊教育部门主席以及特殊教育研究生项目主任.

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MonarchTeach Celebrates 10 Years of Excellence

This year marks the ten-year anniversary of MonarchTeach at ODU, a unique collaboration between the DCEPS and the College of Sciences. Since 2013, 数学或科学专业的学生可以在获得相应专业学位的同时获得教师资格证,这有助于解决全国教师短缺的问题.

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CMHD Takes Camp Webber to New Heights

In the summer of 2023, the Center for Movement, Health, & Disability (CMHD) implemented Camp Webber, an overnight sports camp for youth who are blind or visually impaired. Directed by HMS doctoral scholar Ally Keene, and supported by 11 other ODU undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, and faculty, Camp Webber is held at Camp

Birchwood in Chugiak Alaska each summer. 这个项目将为营员提供参加适应运动的机会, meet new friends, and enjoy an overnight camp experience in the wilderness of Alaska. 这个免费的运动营是由ME韦伯基金会慷慨捐赠的. 如果你愿意帮助我们为我们的学生和社区创造这样的机会, please consider a gift to support our ongoing efforts in education, innovation, and community engagement.

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Old Dominion University Joins Elite Ranks with UCWHRE Membership

The Workforce and Organizational Development Ph.D. 项目取得了一个重要的里程碑,成为大学劳动力委员会的机构成员 & Human Resources Education (UCWHRE). UCWHRE, 以其使命而闻名,即通过美国的政策改进和教育实践来塑造劳动力教育和人力资源发展的未来.

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Dr. Chaniece Winfield Earns Callahan Leadership Award

Dr. Chaniece Winfield是2023年国家成瘾专业协会颁发的卡拉汉领导奖的获得者,这是一个具有竞争力和声望的国家奖项. Since 2013, Dr. Winfield一直是ODU的一名教育工作者,专门从事成瘾教育和药物使用和成瘾领域的临床执业能力.

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Please also join us in congratulating Dr. 温菲尔德入选2023年汉普顿路地区40位40岁以下富豪榜单!

Katelyn Makovec Named 2023 VAHPERD Teacher of the Year for College/University

Makovec, who has been with ODU since 2017, has been a driving force in HMS. Her commitment to teaching, professional development, and community engagement has set her apart as an exemplary educator and mentor.

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Dr. Bol wins Barry J. Zimmerman Award for Outstanding Contributions

该奖项的重点是表彰那些开发了一个具有很强理论意义的程序化研究领域的研究人员, empirical, and applied impact on the field.

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EFL Faculty Members Earn ECMCF Grant

Drs. Michelle & James Bartlett were awarded a grant worth just under $1,000,000美元,通过ECMC专上职业和技术研究人员基金会.

Dr. Mamo earns Presidential Fellowship

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Yoseph Mamo, 谁被选为bet8体育娱乐入口亨普希尔校长安德鲁·卡内基研究员计划的青年学者提名人.

Total Grant Activity:

July 2022-June 2023


ODU Students, Staff Share Resources While Educating on the Dangers of


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Nic Schmoyer, a 3rd year doctoral student in CHS, 被提名为今年SACES研究和最佳实践资助获得者之一. 该奖项资助与辅导员教育和监督有关的创新最佳实践和研究. 尼克获得这项资助的论文题目是“综合初级保健机构新手行为健康临床医生的监督需求:德尔菲研究”."

Since 2015, MerMADE STEM Toys4KIDS项目为CHKD的孩子们点亮了节日气氛. This year, 工业技术项目的勤奋学生已经超越了自己,创造了一系列创新的STEM玩具. The 2023 collection features a variety of toys and puzzles, including marshmallow catapults, all made from eco-friendly materials. 这些玩具是学生们在STEM教育生产实验室辛勤工作的成果, led by Mr. Basim Matrood.

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Valor to Vulnerability: ODU Veterans’ Journey to Mental Wellness Advocacy


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5 Darden College Alumni placed on ODU's

"40 Under 40" List for 2023

Katie Elder '09, '11 - Development Specialist, Population Media Center

Major Letitia Lyons Watson '07, '08 - Flight Commander, Obstetrician + Gynecologist, United States Air Force


Dr. Brittany Walker '16, '19 - Partner Program Manager, John Wiley & Sons

Jessica Woodyard '22 - Director of Development, Make-a-Wish of Greater Virginia

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Honored Retirees

Dr. David Swain

Professor of Exercise Science

Sheryl Spence

Office Manager & Fiscal Tech

News Bites

  • Dr. Emily Goodman-Scott participated in a panel with the ACA Governing Council, particularly talking about the needs of youth in our schools—ACES and CSI, discussing topics around serving LGBTQIA+ youth.

  • Dr. Jinhee Kim最近在《bet8九州登录入口》上发表了一篇题为《bet8体育娱乐入口》的论文. Co-authored with Dr. Cho at Seoul National University, 本文探讨了学生对学生与人工智能合作的看法和经验,并为教育人工智能和人工智能素养教育的设计提供了启示. Read it here.

  • 在凤凰城举行的全国职业和技术教育研究协会会议上, our faculty & students were met with amazing success. Dave Macholz获得了最佳海报展示奖的亚军, Kesha Valentine earned the Most Outstanding Dissertation Award, Dr. James Bartlett was elected as ACTER Ambassador-at-Large, Dr. Michelle Bartlett was selected as ACTER President Elect, and Dr. Mickey Kosloski received the Meritorious Service Award.

  • Dr. Helen Crompton served as a panelist at a symposium hosted by President Brian O. Hemphill, Ph.D. 取得平衡:人工智能自动化和教学中的人类互动.


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Brown Gradient Background
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Brown Gradient Background
Brown Gradient Background
Brown Gradient Background
Brown Gradient Background
Brown Gradient Background
Brown Gradient Background
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African American teacher teaching students in high school science classroom

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Darden College of Education and Professional Studies

Office of the Dean

4301 Hampton Blvd, Room 3200

Norfolk, VA 23529

dceps@clubdugagnant.com | 757.683.3938