Program Academic Requirements


  • Baccalaureate degree program with a selected academic major,
  • NROTC-specified courses (offered by the institution),
  • Naval Science courses

NROTC学生的正常负荷应为每学期15至18学时, including all NROTC required course work. 对于海军军官候补生和MECEP军官候选人,学位课程的正常长度为四年, and no more than 36 months for STA-21 办公室r candidates.

Naval Science Courses Overview

注意: 不同学校的课程设置、数量和可用性各不相同.

Topics cover general Navy/Marine Corps mission and policies, 力保护, operational security, 看着站在, 身体健康, 营养, 压力管理, and other professional development subjects.

对美国海军和美国海军陆战队的总体介绍,强调组织结构, warfare components and assigned roles/missions of USN/USMC; covers all aspects of Naval 服务 from its relative position within DoD to the specific warfare communities/career paths; and includes basic elements of leadership and Navy Core Values. 本课程将使学生初步接触到海军文化的许多元素,并提供概念框架/工作词汇供学生在夏季游轮上使用.

一项关于美国经济的研究.S. 海军和海权对历史的影响,结合了历史和政治科学的过程来探索重大事件, 的态度, 个性, and circumstances that have imbued the U.S. Navy with its proud history and rich tradition; deals with issues of national imperatives in peacetime, 还有战争, 不同的海洋哲学被解释为海军战略/学说, budgetary concerns which shaped force realities, and the pursuit of American diplomatic objectives; and concludes with a discussion of the Navy's strategic and structural changes at the end of the Cold War and its new focus, mission and strategy in the post September 11, 2001, 世界.

In-depth study of the theory, 原则, 程序, and application of plotting, 驾驶, and electronic navigation, as well as an introduction to maneuvering boards. Students learn 驾驶 techniques, 图表的使用, the use of visual and electronic aids, and the theory of operation of both magnetic and gyrocompasses. 培养学生在绘图和电子导航方面的实用技能. Other topics include tides, 电流, effects of wind/weather, 航行计划, 以及国际/内陆航行规则的应用和介绍. 本课程还将对涉及上述概念的道德/伦理/领导问题的案例研究进行回顾/分析.

Not required for Marine Corps Options.

本课程向学生介绍许多主要水手和海军陆战队的基本概念, which shall be expanded upon during the continuum of leadership development throughout NROTC; develops the elements of leadership vital to the effectiveness of Navy/Marine Corps 办公室rs by reviewing the theories and parameters of leadership and management within and outside of the Naval 服务 and progressing through values development, interpersonal skills, 管理技能, and application theory. 通过使用体验练习来探索实际应用, 阅读, 案例研究, and laboratory discussions.

Students learn detailed ship design, hydrodynamic forces, 稳定, 推进, electrical theory and distribution, hydraulic theory and ship 控制, 以及损害控制. The course includes basic 概念 of theory/design of steam, 燃气轮机, 柴油, and nuclear 推进. 在工程领域的领导/道德问题的案例研究也包括在内.

Not required for Marine Corps Options.

该课程概述了武器系统的理论和应用. Students explore the processes of detection, 评价, 威胁分析, 武器的选择, 交付, 指导, 和炸药. 讨论了火控系统和主要武器类型,包括能力和限制. The physical aspects of radar and underwater sound are described. 命令的各个方面, 控制, 通信, 电脑, 并探讨了情报作为武器系统集成手段的可行性. 讨论了指挥控制战和信息战的战术战略意义. 本课程还补充了案例研究的审查/分析,涉及武器使用中领导人的道德和伦理责任.

Not required for Marine Corps Options.

Students trace the development of warfare to the present day. 本课程旨在涵盖战争手段和方法的连续性和变化的原因. It addresses the influence of political, 经济, and societal factors on the conduct of war, 重点关注技术创新在改变战场中的作用. 学生将探索杰出的军事理论家和战场指挥官对我们对战争艺术和科学的现代理解的贡献.

Required for Marine Option and MECEP students; optional for Navy students.

Students learn the fundamental terms, 概念, and theories of general warfare and amphibious warfare. 这些术语, 概念, 并通过对两栖作战的历史分析来运用理论, identifying the evolution of amphibious doctrine, 战术, 和技术. Focuses on the evolution of the U.S. Marine Corps into a specialized amphibious force, 特别关注当今美国军队的结构和能力.S. 海军陆战队作为前沿部署和快速部署的力量以及远征机动战概念的发展.

Required for Marine Option and MECEP students; optional for Navy students.

对相对运动、编队战术和船舶使用的持续研究. Introductions to Naval operations and operations analysis, ship behavior and characteristics in maneuvering, applied aspects of ship handling, afloat 通信, Naval command and 控制, Naval warfare areas, and joint warfare are also included. 本课程还将对涉及上述概念的道德/伦理/领导问题的案例研究进行回顾/分析.

Not required for Marine Corps Options.

该课程完成了少尉和少尉在舰队和海军陆战队服役的最后准备. 本课程整合了西方道德传统和伦理哲学与各种主题的智力探索, such as military leadership, 核心价值观, and professional ethics; the UCMJ and Navy regulations; and discussions relating to the roles of enlisted members, junior and senior 办公室rs, command relationships, and the conduct of warfare. 这门课程为学员提供道德传统的基础, 结合对美国海军和海军陆战队当前和历史事件的讨论, 为21世纪海军的领导角色和责任做好准备.

军事 领导 Minor

Students pursuing a Minor in 军事 领导 must submit an application for approval. Fill out the form in its entirety and submit it to

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